Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lord of the Flies: Theme

The theme of Lord of the Flies was to reveal the evil nature of human being in a disrupted society. Jack and his group were well described as a symbol of wickedness. Even for young boys, human beings were born with evil and if there was no social structure to fit them, they follow the same ways as adult. There weren't any governmental structure that kept the boys in peace but only murder and blood remained. Human being followed the way of evil, no matter how they put effort to become good people; they were overcame by the root of evil. In the outside, people pretend to show only the good appearance. However, inside their mind is were full of trash and filthy thinking. Also, the author described the adults as useless people. Even if the officer saved the boys, did the boys solved their conflict? NO! Who could actually guarantee that there wouldn't be any massacre in the ship, too?

Piggy and Jack were the extremes of good and bad and Ralph was in between them. When Jack went wild, Ralph did his best to make the society stable. However, he didn't realized the importance of leadership to control the rest of the boys. No such government could control people perfectly. No matter how great and powerful the government was, the people would always criticize it. There was and will be no perfect society that pleased or pleases everyone in the world.

The reason why the theme of Lord of the Flies is important for teenagers living in 2008 because we all live in the society that hide their evilness in their mind but trying hard to show only their good parts. If there is no school or government, who knows if we are going to be part of Jack's group? I bet you who is reading my post have evil mind inside that didn't come out yet because of well-organized social structure and that counts for me, too. If I am thrown to the jungle, I have to hunt to survive and the hidden mind inside of me will eventually come out to fit in the situation. Remember, root of evil is a curse for human nature that drives everyone into the way of insanity in harsh situation. Don't think that you won't turn like Jack. There is always a possibility.


theoLogy//T-0 said...

BRAVO BRAVO(CLAP CLAP CLAP) I completely agree with your theme. I loved how thoroughly you explained the theme. I also think that there is no such thing as a perfect society, because people like me exist. That is, people who like to rebel HAHA. The part of how this applies to teenagers was also very true. If 9th graders were thrown into a war for survival, I bet my classmates would try to hunt eachother down for power and ownership over vital survival needs. I would be already running to a paradise island though, so noone can catch me.

Apple Gum said...

Yeah, it is a common happening for rebellion to happen. People just love to take over, don't they? I totally agree with you on how that the people will always have a motive ore something against a government or whatever kind of rule there is. People want to be the best, and whatever is in the way is their enemy, and enemies are always wrong. It's a simple human instinct. That sucks, but it's true. However, Ralph and Piggy, even though they had slight traces of savagery in them (when they participated in the killing of Simon) they still were good guys. Even if the beast exists within, and even if we can't kill that beast, we can always put it in a cage and tame it.

Jun Do said...

Wow i totally garee with your idea about theme. I especially like your idea about civilization being the cage and the trainer of evilness that everyone has from the birth.
also, with the teenager thing, wow you've really got the point. without rules, it will just be choas.