Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Aniaml Farm: The Climax

The climax of Animal Farm was when Napoleon kicked out Snowball by using the dogs he trained. Both of them always had a conflict because of their different opinion. Snowball was a clever leader and Napoleon was a powerful leader. Snowball’s eloquence was beautiful and persuasive but he lacked power to reinforce his plan. Eventually, he was thrown out by Napoleon that raised his own rough and strong supporters. In this world, there were many events that happened by force. Same thing happened in Animal Farm that power ruled over intelligence. Even though Snowball was a bright leader, he lost everything he had by force.
After Napoleon kicked out Snowball, it took in charge of the animals and treated them intolerantly. The ending of Napoleon wasn’t shown in the book but later, I think the animals will fight against him and return to normal life. The climax reminded me of various situations in the world. For example, military coops threw out democratic government in some countries in Africa. However, they didn’t last that long, which meant it will be the same in Animal Farm, too. What I felt depressed about the climax because it really gave me an impression of the cruel situation of the world, the power crushing peace and intelligence. There were many leaders in the world like Snowball, but eventually, forces kicked them out and instead of peace, power always existed instead of peace. Think about how many people in this world have fought for freedom. However, after freedom, there was always a conflict between power and peace. Usually, power threw out the peace side and destroyed it. However, in the end, people resisted against power and took the peace back. People often thought that power could not win peace and intelligence. However, in some countries peace and intelligence won by the people, fighting against the dictator’s power. Napoleon will eventually walk into the same way and will be thrown out by animals who want peace.


Peter Kim said...

As I have explained in my first blog entry, I thought that the climax of Animal Farm was the event in which Napolean kicked Snowball out of the farm as well as you thought so. I agree with you that the afterwards of the climax was cruel and depressing, as Animal Farm IS one of the dystopian novels. I think reality is clearly shown in this novel as the cruel and bad side won over the good one (Snowball).

Anonymous said...

though I agree with your climax,I disagree with your last comment in relation to napolean being eventually overthrown. Stalin was never overhtrown, but died in power.