Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Animal Farm: Theme

'Depravity of authority always happens after revolution' is the theme of Animal Farm. After revolution, most of the people think that there will be utopia for them. However, George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to satirize the situation after a revolution, there is a man in power that deceives and harasses his people. In Animal Farm, there were two sides, crafty as a hypocrite and dumb but simple. Boxer, the horse that worked so hard for Napoleon (the slick leader) was sent to slaughterhouse. He never realized the lie from sly leader and reached to a way of death. Squealer, Napoleon's faithful servant, used wordy lies were the tools to make the animals work. However, after the animals thought that they had established their own world, the word wasn't for them but for pigs and dogs. They have worked very hard to establish the utopia but the result was disappointing. When I read the first part that Napoleon appeared, I thought he had wonderful plan for all the animals that gave hope to the animals. However, greed conquered Napoleon’s mind, causing grief and pain of the animals. Authority is a sweet candy that ruins people’s mind if someone uses in a bad way. People struggle to gain authority for their own benefit, not to serve people unless they have devoted personalities. Revolution, it is called an important change that happens rapidly in a short period of time. Animals didn’t take that long to throw out Mr. Jones from the farm. However, the problem occurred after the revolution. The conflict of different opinion between Napoleon and Snowball expressed ugly and filthy fight to gain authority. In a world of society, union is created for one purpose of people and if they accomplish their purpose, then they start to divide internally. Actually there is no one that takes part in a group or organization if the group doesn’t benefit one’s own life. There might be people who make groups to care about others but greed always comes in their mind, breaking the pure mind that started from the beginning. Thus, authority is a useful tool when the leader use it for others but if the tool becomes a tool for the leader's greed, then depravity of authority occurs, just like what happened in Animal Farm.
The reason why it is important to a teenager living in 2008 is because they always hear about the depravity of authority by media. Then they get furious at them and start to critisize corrupted politicians but actually they have to realize that they have a probability to become the same when they grow up. So, wake up, whoever reading this post so that you will be aware of the power of authority and don't become a slave of authority!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lord of the Flies: The Mood

The ability of Golding's character development, expressed the mood of the story which was very complicated and changeable all the time. Starting from the beginning, tense and scary changed to hopeful and encouraging one. Most of the time, the story was cruel and full of blood. However, in the end, there were repentance and remorse. The big change in the story will be same as climax, when Jack formed his own group to stand gainst Ralph's group. The mood changes back and forth, the change of freedom to destruction. At first, the boys enjoyed the happiness of creating their only society without any adults with their strength and thoughts. They thought they would be able to create a paradise, controlling their own society would be at a standstill. The start was smooth enough to discuss about how to create their own paradise with hope and freedom. However, the mood later changed to terror and fright as everything went wrong resulting the deah of Piggy and Simon. At the end, there was no monarchy, social structure, or paradise for the boys but all they left were death, evil, madness, and victim in the island, the results of natural human being, the evilness.
There wasn't any twist in the book but there was a process of becoming mad, which used to be normal. Thus, the formula of the mood for Lord of the Flies was (hope + freedom +peace) → (failure + anarchy + destruction).